Friday, July 31, 2009

King of the Mountain Route Revised

For any interested parties, we're going to revise the King of the Mountain route for August 2nd. So we don't get run over by all the wenches and knights at the opening weekend of the Renaissance Festival over in Sterling Forest, we're going to abandon that route all together. We'll stay in New Jersey instead, and do Stonetown, Westbrook, and Otterhole. Still three climbs, still prizes and points, still meeting at Town Cycle and leaving at 9 a.m. on the dot!

Any questions, let us know!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Weekend Fun!

OK, one more day of rain to dodge, then we should be good for a few days! Here's what we have planned for the weekend - come play if you can!

Friday - barring severe weather, we'll do our usual Friday night Clinton Road ride. Usual time, usual place - 6 p.m., The Village Square Inn, Rt. 23, Newfoundland.

Saturday - Two rides available. Club member Mike Moskowitz will lead an early morning beginner to moderately paced mountain bike ride at Ringwood State Park. Meet at 7:30 a.m. in Parking Lot A - it's the one you would park in if you were visiting the Botanical Gardens. Ride will last 1.5 to 2 hours. Our other option for a Saturday ride is a road ride at 4 p.m. leaving from Town Cycle. We'll ride around Greenwood Lake, up Warwick Tpk., and return via Clinton Road to Town Cycle.

Sunday - the fifth installment of our King of the Mountain series! To give you all a new challenge, we'll run the course backwards from our usual way. We will leave Town Cycle promptly at 9 a.m. - no waiting for stragglers! We'll have our usual prizes for climb winners, and of course, points towards our end of year championship.

As always, we're always looking for more ride leaders - let us know if you're interested!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wednesday Mountain Bike Ride Canceled!

Hey folks -

Between the rain and the illness of our host (get well soon, Greg!) - we are going to cancel tonight's ride over in Awosting. We'll re-schedule as soon as possible - whenever this infernal rain stops, that is!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

King of the Mountain, Part 4 Results!

Without further delay ...

The weather was perfect for some self abuse on the hills surrounding our wonderful town. We were stoked to have a few new club members show up and throw down with us!

In the club members category, newcomer Mike W. won all three climbs closely followed by another KOM rookie. John Marshall. That left veteran club member Chris Donohue to clean up third on the peaks. Chris, I guess a house full of kids for the weekend was no help!

The race team members category had a new addition as well. Junior racer Dillon Van Wart upgraded to join us. Although he received no points on the day, he was not last on any of the climbs by any means. No, no, no - last place on all three climbs was reserved for BJ. The winner of each of the three peaks, to no one's surprise, was our club V.P. and newly crowned Cat 1 MTB NJ State Champion Dave Kahl. Second place was a bit of a battle between our favorite shop owner Mike Hoek and also newly crowned Cat 2 MTB NJ state champ Jason Grossi. Jason took third to Mike on the first climb, then second on the following two.

The overall points standings are as follows:

Chris Donohue 14
Gerard Hawkins 10
Mike W. 9
Steve Boshart 8
John Marshall 6
Pete Tranes 4

David Kahl 18
Michael Hoek 13
Larry Towner 9
Dillon Van Wart 9
Keith 7
BJ Kisch 6
Jason Grossi 5
Dave Van Wart 3

Karen B. 16
Angela B. 12
Heather K. 5

Thanks to all who joined us on Sunday. and big THANK YOU to TOWN CYCLE for providing the preems. The next scheduled KOM ride is August 2. There will be a route change for this one so come on out and get a fresh perspective on the ride.

Weekday events

Howdy all - three events for everyone this week. First is a reminder that we are still doing our I Dig Tuesdays trail work events at Jungle Habitat each Tuesday evening. Check our Calendar page at for more details. We have lots of plans for the area, so please come out and join us!

Secondly is our Wednesday mountain bike ride - at a special location this week! Club member Greg Muniz has a new area of trails in the Awosting area that he is anxious to show us. Meet us at 5:30 at Greg's house, 7 Greenwood Avenue in the Awosting section of West Milford.

Finally, don't forget our Wednesday ladies road ride on Clinton Road. Meet us at the Village Square Inn on Rt. 23 in Newfoundland at 6 p.m. All ability levels welcome!

As usual, the weather dictates all - a slight rain or quick splash/dash shower won't stop us, but steady rain or thunder and lightening will!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Wednesday rides

Just a quick reminder of a few weekday opportunities. Wednesday evenings we have a standing invitation for all of our women to join us for a road ride on Clinton Road. Meet at 6 p.m. at the Village Square Inn, Rt. 23, Newfoundland. We'll go out and back on Clinton Road. It's a great opportunity to practice riding in a pace line with a group.

This week's mountain bike ride will be at Waywayanda. Meet at the boat launch parking lot at 5:30. We'll ride in light rain only - anything more will cancel. All levels of expertise welcome!

Stay tuned for some announcements of alternate mountain bike ride locations over the next few weeks - time to try out some new places!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Weekend Agenda

Looking for a weekend ride? Look no further - we've got 'em! We're all about the road this weekend, so check out our schedule and squeeze in a ride or two between watching stages of the Tour de France!

Friday - usual time and place - Clinton Road, meeting at Village Square Inn, Rt. 23, Newfoundland, at 6 p.m. Weather might be dodgy - we'll ride in light rain only.

Saturday - meet at Town Cycle at 12 p.m. for a ride around Greenwood Lake. If the group wants, we can extend the route - we'll vote, majority rules! Again, we'll ride in a light rain.

Sunday - It's time for the 4th installment of our King of the Mountain series! Meet at Town Cycle, and please - be ready to roll at 9 a.m. - we wait for no one! Premiums for individual climbs, points for the series - we've had some new people join in, so all the categories are up for grabs!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Team Town Cycle gear now available at Town Cycle!

We've gotten lots of compliments on our new kits - now's your chance to own some too! There is a limited inventory of Team Town Cycle gear available now at Town Cycle. If you're looking for some new stuff, stop by the shop and check out what's available!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

King of the Mountain, Part 3

The third installment of our King of the Mountain series happened on June 28, and we had some new faces join us! Over all three climbs, our Racers group was the picture of consistency - Larry Towner taking first, our intrepid bike shop owner Michael Hoek taking second, and David Van Wart taking third. Our club riders category was almost as consistent, with Dillon Van Wart taking first in all 3 climbs, Pete Tranes taking second on the first two climbs, and third on the last, and Steve Boshart taking third on the first two climbs, and pulling it out on the last climb to claim second place points. Our sole Womens group rider, Karen Bouloucon, claimed all of the climbing points for herself!

At the end of the day, the points awarded looked like this:

Larry Towner - 9 points
Michael Hoek - 6 points
David Van Wart - 3 points

Club Riders (and 14 and unders)
Dillon Van Wart - 9 points
Pete Tranes - 5 points
Steve Boshart - 4 points

Karen Bouloucon - 9 points

Congratulations to all of our riders, great job!

It's not too late to join the series! With four dates left, there is plenty of time to catch up to anyone out there! The dates for the rest of the series are as follows: July 19, August 2, August 23, and August 30. All dates will meet at 9 a.m. sharp at Town Cycle, and will take approximately 3 hours. There are premiums as well as points available for each event, and prizes will be awarded at our fall Team Meeting, so come on out and join the fun! As always, any questions, let us know!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Weekend rides

Here's hoping the weather holds out for another good weekend of riding! Our plans for the weekend include these rides:

Friday night Clinton Road ride - 6 p.m., Village Square Inn, Rt. 23, Newfoundland. We need some new blood for our Friday night rides, so gather up some friends and join us! Our ride has all different ability levels, so we can accommodate novice to expert. Give it a try - it's a great way to start off the weekend!

Saturday - Race pre-ride, Kittatinny Valley State Park, Andover, NJ. Join David Kahl as he leads a beginner to sport level ride on the course for Sunday's race. Meet at the Goodale Road parking lot (not the lot by the airport!) at 10 a.m. on Saturday. Even if you are not racing on Sunday, it's still a great place to ride - definitely worth the drive! If you need directions, check this out -

Sunday is the Campmor H2H race at Kittatinny State Park in Andover, which is also the NJ State Championship Race. Team Town Cycle will be well represented there, so wish all of our riders luck!

We are always looking for people to lead rides, so if you have a place/route you'd like to see us do, please email us and we'll work something out!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Ch-ch-ch changes!

Hope you all had a great 4th - finally, the weather was our friend! Congratulations to all of our Team Town Cycle members who rode the Lewis Morris Challenge race on Sunday - nice job all!

We're going to cancel this week's I Dig Tuesday's trail work date at Jungle Habitat - we'll re-group and start fresh next week. And for Wednesday's mountain bike ride, we're going to change it up a bit and head to Kittatinny State Park in Andover, NJ for a race pre-ride. Even if you aren't racing, please come join us - it's a great place - completely different terrain than our own backyard, and a real blast to ride. We'll meet at the parking lot off of Goodale Road (not the lot by Lake Aeroflex and the airport) - let's try to be ready to ride at 6 p.m. Any questions, here is the website for the state park -

We're always looking for new faces - bring a friend and join us!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wednesday Mountain Bike Ride-Jungle Habitat

Although normally we are not adverse to riding in a bit of rain, we may make an exception today. After yesterday's torrential downpour, (and the one on the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that ...) the woods are more swamp-like than woodsy. If it rains again this afternoon, we'll cancel tonight's mountain bike ride at Jungle Habitat - the trails are just too wet.

The good news is - they are predicting a dry weekend! We'll keep our fingers crossed for then.